What's the hardest part of growing up?

The hardest part of growing up...

For me, growing up wasn't hard. Realizing that I'm a grown up is more difficult. 
People are much less likely to help you as an adult than as a child. Whether it be reaching something on a high shelf at the grocery store to figuring out how to handle your personal hardships. Granted you will figure out quickly whom you matter to and those that you don't {again, another difficult part of adulthood to realize}. 

My best advice is to enjoy being young! You only get one shot! 
My mom had a great strategy for this when I was younger... 
I was a very busy teenage girl. Between dance, cheerleading, school, and church things I barely had any spare time. The only reason I had a job {if you want to call a waitressing job for family friends for only 4 hours/week a job...} was because I understood how difficult it was for my mom to hand me some cash every now and then to go out with my friends. She did NOT want me to work. She would have rather struggled more. She wanted me to enjoy being young, just as I want my children to do. I never had to worry about making sure that my "portion" of the bills were paid, along with making sure that I had completed all of my homework, all of my dances were perfected, and that I completed enough volunteer hours for my scholarship. Through these things I also learned responsibility and the value of a dollar. I knew exactly the cost of everything that was provided for me. I knew how much our gas bill was each month. I understood the grocery shopping budget each week. I was well aware of how much my high school tuition would have been had I not been given a scholarship. 

I want my children to be young and at the same time appreciate what we have to give them. My advice to them... Don't be a spoiled brat. Understand that we want to give you the world and be grateful that we want your life to be better than we could ever make ours.


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