
Showing posts from February, 2015

Chop & Drop: Turkey Kielbasa

Who doesn't love a great dinner after a long day? With cooking being one of my favorite stress relievers, I can't wait to get home and start up the oven. However, I've had the life sucked out of me during this pregnancy {only 7 weeks left} so a quick fix is best for me!

What's the hardest part of growing up?

The hardest part of growing up... For me, growing up wasn't hard. Realizing that I'm a grown up is more difficult.  People are much less likely to help you as an adult than as a child. Whether it be reaching something on a high shelf at the grocery store to figuring out how to handle your personal hardships. Granted you will figure out quickly whom you matter to and those that you don't {again, another difficult part of adulthood to realize}.