Chop & Drop: Turkey Kielbasa

Who doesn't love a great dinner after a long day? With cooking being one of my favorite stress relievers, I can't wait to get home and start up the oven. However, I've had the life sucked out of me during this pregnancy {only 7 weeks left} so a quick fix is best for me!

This dinner takes barely any time to prepare! You could possibly do it as a "make ahead/freezer meal," but I don't tend to think too far ahead on what I want to make during the week. 

I originally found this recipe on Pinterest by Paleo Newbie. I made it their way the first time, and then put my own twists to it. One preference that I have over theirs, is that I like to brown the kielbasa first. I think it makes it taste "smokier."

I don't use turkey meat as necessarily the "healthier" option. In fact, it's usually loaded with sodium! We just prefer the way it tastes. I do also prefer using coconut oil over olive or vegetable when I can. Feel free to add your own spin on it as well and leave your input in the comments. I've thrown in bacon once, as well as brussel sprouts.

This recipe got my husband to actually eat kielbasa {growing up with a polish grandmother, it was always a staple in my life}, and made him LOVE sweet potatoes. Definitely a man pleasing meal! Enjoy!!


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