What can Mommy eat?

Every pregnant woman knows {or maybe it's just me} that you constantly pull out the Google at restaurants and dinner parties to figure out if you can eat this or that. 

While Google can be extremely helpful, you sometimes end up scanning through several listed sites trying to find your answer. For example, I wanted to make Mahi Mahi for dinner one night. I wasn't exactly sure if it was on the list of safe seafood or not so I jumped on the line and looked it up. The first site that came up gave me a few very short paragraphs on what is safe and what was not, mahi mahi was not listed. The second site, same thing as the first. So annoying! The third line was when I finally found this incredible site that I am sure to use during this and future pregnancies {and definitely recommend to all of my expecting friends}. CAN MOMMY EAT...?

This site will definitely save me a ton of time while trying to figure out which foods are safe and which are not. Check it out and see what you think.


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