Why can't we get out of our own way?
Oh my it's been a while!
My new year's resolution this year is to focus more on blogging. Why not start it back up a little early?
One thing that's really been on my mind lately is the overwhelming cattiness I've been dealing with from women lately.
Let me start by saying that I do have those amazing tried and true girlfriends that have been there for me through thick and thin. Whether they've been the golden girls from high school and my days back in the Burgh, or they are the fresh gleaming silver ladies that I've had the pleasure of calling my friends since our move to Dallas. You ladies rock!
The women that I'm referring to are those women that no matter how much you roll out the red carpet for them they will still find something wrong with whatever you've done. Some of them will never acknowledge your existence unless it will somehow benefit them. In my experience, it has always been the women that have a lack of self-confidence, a jealousy issue, or they feel threatened by me for some reason (no idea why, I'm basically a walking pink cupcake). I can't imagine how much energy it takes to constantly put people down, ignore, or bash other people as incessantly as these bullies do. I'm not condoning bullying in children, but I can see how it's easier for kids as they are basically flesh and blood cans of Red Bull. As grown women who have lives, families, careers, and other responsibilities, I don't see how anyone has the time or energy.
Speaking negatively about others will only put an unnecessary poison in your mind. A poison that will soon flood over all other good thoughts and brainwash you into thinking of nothing but gloom, doom, and disaster.
I grew up in an amazing family of strong women. My Grandma Yoest lost her husband to a heart attack and was left to raise 6 children on her own. My mother then ran a household on her own, raised myself and my older brother, and took care of my elderly grandmother. Not to mention how amazing she was as the party planner every holiday, the surrogate mother to many of my friends, and working her butt off everyday so that we could have the best of everything. Although she eventually succumbed to cancer, she was an inspiration to me until the end. My aunts and cousins are also such amazing women that are now raising brave young ladies of their own. Maybe I just have outlandish expectations for women or maybe we can be our greatest supporters.
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