Things Happy People Do Differently- #3
Avoid overthinking and social comparison
Comparing yourself to someone else can be poisonous.
The only person you should compare to is yourself before now.
I can honestly say that I am my own worst enemy when it comes to overthinking things. As I get older, I become more and more of a worry-wart. It's so hard not to be! So many things seem to pile on top of one another. You have bills, holidays are coming, you didn't bonus last month, your dog has an eye infection, husband is in school, yada, yada, yada.... With all of these things snowballing on you, it is very important to stop, take a deep breath, and deal with them one at a time. Some of these circumstances will be around for a while, some are a passing issue, but they all deserve some sort of acknowledgement and/or resolution. As my good friend Kristin likes to say, "Take a break, you're not She-ra."
As women, we tend to compare ourselves to other women. A LOT. Again, I'm a huge offender of this! I cannot begin to tell you how ostracized I have made myself feel through out the years just from not believing I'm as "pretty" as someone else. In a social situation, does it really matter? (Side Note: I would never knock anyone that likes to get dolled up. I love to play dress up! I'm trying to convey that the people that care, don't care.) Who are we trying to impress? If we are trying to impress the people that we are already hanging out with, the people that probably already have your back, we are concentrating on the wrong aspect of those relationships. If we are trying to impress everyone else in the room, what the heck are we doing?! The extra people are not the friends that took time out of their schedule to be with you. Those extra people will not hold your hand or lend you their shoulder when you need it. The opinions of your friends and family are the most important. My husband and my friends are making me a better person everyday, and I hope that one day the opinions of strangers will no longer hold stock in my life.
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