Things Happy People Do Differently- #1

Express Gratitude

  • When you appreciate what you have, what you have appreciates in value.

  • If we aren't thankful for what we already have, we will have a hard time ever being happy.

Think of the people that would drop everything to run to your side if ever you should need them. Now think about how many of those people you would reciprocate the favor for.

Seriously, no bullsh*t...
Would you travel across the country? Would you give them your last dollar? I'm sure that we would all do whatever we could for those family members that we are extra close to or our very best friends. If not, it may be time to reevaluate your relationships with these people. I'm not meaning this in a way that you should just go ahead and cut them off to simplify your life. I'm talking about  stopping to think about those people in the same light that they see you in. What about you shines so brightly to those people? Why don't you see them in that way? It may be possible that you are holding a grudge, taking something they said or did too personally, or maybe have an opposite opinion than them on a particular subject. Whatever it may be there is no time quite like the present to let go! It is never too late to show others how thankful we are for them.  Forgiving these people may reveal to you why you were drawn to them in the first place. Find the time to make a brand new bond with those that will always have your back. Show these people what they mean to you.

Appreciate what you have before it turns into what you had.

Another way to approach this subject would be to think of our material possessions. If you are living in a constant state of more, more, more, then you will never fully be satisfied. The example that comes to mind when I think of this is Christmas Day Instagram posts. So many people post more pictures of the things they receive, rather than the happy faces of their families and friends. This should be a "no brainer" to most, but most do not stop and think of what is more important when they are blinded by money and shiny things. After all, a closet full of expensive clothes won't be able to wish you a 'Happy Birthday,' meet you with a hug at the end of a hard day, or give a eulogy.


Some people are so poor, all they have is money.


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